Tag: Daily Nation
Kenya: Land Rights for Women
For more than a decade, Kenya has increased women’s land ownership rights. Benefits have rippled through the economy and society, although more remains to be done.
Kenya’s Battle to Eradicate FGM
The government and other actors are determined to win, but this harmful practice remains stubbornly entrenched.
When Boreholes are Gamechangers
In drought-stricken Kenya, boreholes provide desperately needed water–and help save women from gender violence.
Kenyan Women Are Crushing Stone and Stereotypes at the Same Time
Self-help groups have been booming in Kenya in the last decades. Now, an all-women gravel-making group in the Sarwat Village is turning both stones and stereotypes into ashes.
In Kenya, Domestic Workers Turned Their Lives Around During the Pandemic
Domestic work is a huge part of the informal economy in the Eastern-African country, one that has been particularly hit by the Covid-19 pandemic. But some domestic workers have managed to turn the tide and start their own businesses thanks to the Inua Mama Sua project in Nairobi.