Author: towards-equality
From Women’s Strikes to Referendums, the Road to Equality, the Swiss Way
In Switzerland, the battles for equality have been long and drawn out. What ended up making a difference? Are there any Switzerland-specific takeaways?
#TowardsEquality 2023: Editorial
To mark International Women’s Day, 14 international news outlets join forces to highlight the challenges and solutions to reach gender equality and build stronger societies.
In Italy, School Textbook Publishers Scrap Gender Stereotypes
An interview of gender expert Irene Biemmi, who has been working as an advisor on a publication project aiming to give an equal representation to men and women.
“Elles Aussi” Campaigns for Real Parity in the French Political Landscape
When the country banned female genital mutilation in 2011, few expected this traditional practice to migrate to underground clinics.
In Brazil, the fight against domestic violence goes through beauty salons and barbershops
Created in 2017, the Mãos Empenhadas Contra a Violência (Hands committed against violence) program trains professionals in beauty salons to identify and help victims of domestic violence.
Tackling Paternity Leave Stereotypes in Japan
The Japanese archipelago has one of the most generous paternity leave systems in the world, yet few are the men who actually take advantage of it. Some local governments and companies are trying to turn the tide.
Turning Museums Into Feminist Spaces
Traditionally, museums are spaces of cultural expression governed by a masculine stand view. But in Spain, some museums and non-profits are taking concrete steps hoping to make women artists’ work more visible and to rethink the cultural world’s influence on gender equality.
In Spain, a Network of Activists, Lawyers and Midwives Break the Silence on Obstetric Violence
The Spanish government recently announced that it will include the term “obstetric violence” in the law as a form of gender violence — a step that comes after dozens of women pushed to spread awareness on the issue, to support those who have suffered it, and to change hospital protocols.
Kenyan Women Are Crushing Stone and Stereotypes at the Same Time
Self-help groups have been booming in Kenya in the last decades. Now, an all-women gravel-making group in the Sarwat Village is turning both stones and stereotypes into ashes.
Climate Migrant Women in Italy Strive for Equal Opportunities
The climate crisis deepens the gender inequalities already affecting women. A campaign on climate poverty under the leadership of the NGO WeWorld is trying to raise awareness.
Hiring Targets, Eased Rules Used to Narrow the Gender Gap in Japanese Academia
In Japan, the academic gender gap is wide. But some of the top universities in the country are taking strong steps to tackle inequalities and attract more female scholars.
In Kenya, Domestic Workers Turned Their Lives Around During the Pandemic
Domestic work is a huge part of the informal economy in the Eastern-African country, one that has been particularly hit by the Covid-19 pandemic. But some domestic workers have managed to turn the tide and start their own businesses thanks to the Inua Mama Sua project in Nairobi.
Prof. Beth Goldblatt: “The Pandemic Has Highlighted the Need for Affordable, High Quality Childcare”
An associate professor at Sydney’s University of Technology’s faculty of law, specialized in human rights, Prof. Beth Goldblatt says that government financial aid and a universal child care system should be combined in order to reduce gender inequalities.
Eleonor Faur, Feminist Sociologist: “In a World That Neglects So Much, Caring for Others Is Revolutionary”
A pioneer in the study of the care industry through a gender lens, the specialist analyses the pandemic’s impacts, the community-oriented organisations led by women in popular sectors, and the need to rethink our entire economic systems and distribute care responsibilities in a more balanced way.