Tag: Folha de S.Paulo
From Exploitation to Activism
When an abused Bolivian domestic worker finally dared to inquire about her legal rights, it changed her life. Now, she is helping change the lives of other immigrants in Brazil as well.
Women’s Pain: Tackling the Taboos
Endometriosis affects one in 10 women, impacting their personal and professional lives, yet it is often misunderstood, misdiagnosed, and left untreated.
Brazil’s Christian Feminists
Catholic and evangelical women are organizing to defend women’s bodily autonomy.
Tackling Gender Inequality in the IT World
In Brazil, men still hold 80 percent of IT jobs, but {reprograma} is helping narrow the gender gap.
Web App Helps Combat Domestic Violence in Rio de Janeiro
In response to soaring domestic abuse during Covid-19 lockdowns, law students created the novel Maria da Penha Virtual app.
In Brazil, the fight against domestic violence goes through beauty salons and barbershops
Created in 2017, the Mãos Empenhadas Contra a Violência (Hands committed against violence) program trains professionals in beauty salons to identify and help victims of domestic violence.
Prof. Beth Goldblatt: “The Pandemic Has Highlighted the Need for Affordable, High Quality Childcare”
An associate professor at Sydney’s University of Technology’s faculty of law, specialized in human rights, Prof. Beth Goldblatt says that government financial aid and a universal child care system should be combined in order to reduce gender inequalities.